- Art History Teaching Resources. Excellent material: pictures and bibliographic materials.
- Art History Unstuffed, a splendid site maintained by Dr. Jeanne S.M. Willette, an art historian at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles.
- Backstage, "a performing arts gateway for the UK." "Backstage provides a single point of entry for finding and searching performing arts
collections in the UK. It is aimed at the research community, plus anyone with an interest in the performing arts." An excellent resource.
- El Web de les Cičncies Socials plus Historia de l'Art and Art del Segle XX. Excellent links. Don't let the language become a barrier.
- Electronic Resources for Art, a site maintained by Professor Thomas Hill at Vassar College.
- The Getty Research Institute at the Getty Museum. Includes tools such as the Research Library Online Catalog, Photo Study Collection Database, Digital Resources, Provenance Index Databases and the Vocabulary Databases.
- CETI: AIIS - Digital South Asia Library, American Institute of Indian Studies.
- Web Gallery of Art, online since 1996; "a virtual museum and searchable database of European fine art." A remarkable site.
©Jack Wolcott 2020
Last revised 10/12/2020