A-Z of Architecture. Alphabetical list of links to architects and architecture. Part of
the Art Encyclopedia: Visual Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography, Ceramics and other crafts.
Circopedia According to founder Dominique Jando, "CIRCOPEDIA is a constantly evolving
and expanding archive of the international circus. New videos, biographies, essays, and documents are added to the site on a weekly—and sometimes daily—basis." Excellent resources
for circus activity, performers, buildings, etc. More than 1600 video clips of circus acts across the globe.
Candida Martinelli's Italophile Site. Not scholarly, but a wealth of information, pictures and links related to ancient and modern Italy,
Italian theatres and personalities. Many Italian historical resources.
Labyrinth: Georgetown University WWW Server for Medieval Studies. A huge resource of area studies in the Middle Ages.
Music Manuscripts Online.
The Morgan Library and Museum. Historic and modern composers, works downloadable as PDF files.
ORB: On-Line Text Materials: Sourcebooks for Ancient History, Modern History, African, East Asian, Indian, Islamic, Jewish, LGBT, Women's Global and Science studies.
Voice of the Shuttle "VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department." An ecclectic and very interesting site, of general interest to anyone involved with literature and the arts.